Rescinded CPO Notices
CPO Notices which are rescinded are no longer authoritative. These notices are maintained on the CPO’s website for historical reference but shall not be cited to nor relied upon as authority.
- CPO Notice 2012.01 CPI.pdf
- CPO Notice 2012.04 SBSP.pdf
- CPO Notice 2012.05 Small Business Contracts Act.pdf
- CPO Notice 2012.06 Delinquent Debt.pdf
- CPO Notice 2012.07 PBC.pdf
- CPO Notice 2012.08 Non Responsive.pdf
- CPO Notice 2012.09 Continuing Disclosure Multi-year Contracts.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 01 CPI for Small Purchase.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 02 SBSP Court Reporting.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 03 PA 97-895.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 04 ICI Mandated Purchase.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 05 SBCA.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 06 Templates.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 07 Small Purchase Threshold Increase.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 08 Small Business Set-Aside Computer Consulting.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 09 Continuing Disclosure Multi-year Contracts.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 10 Procurement File Checklists.pdf
- CPO Notice 2013 11 SBSP IT Programming Services.pdf
- CPO Notice 2014 01 ICI Mandated Purchase.pdf
- CPO Notice 2014 02 CPI FY14.pdf
- CPO Notice 2014 03 New SBSP Codes.pdf
- CPO Notice 2014 04 SBCA.pdf
- CPO Notice 2014 05 Award Posting Agency Websites.pdf
- CPO Notice 2014 07 Suspension and Debarment Certification.pdf
- CPO Notice 2014 08 Prevailing Wage Act.pdf
- CPO Notice 2014 10 Continuing Disclosure Multi-Year Contracts.pdf
- CPO Notice 2014 11 Illinois Procurement Gateway.pdf
- CPO Notice 2015 01 New SBSP Codes.pdf
- CPO Notice 2015 02 SBCA.pdf
- CPO Notice 2015 03 ICI.pdf
- CPO Notice 2015 05 Solicitation and Contract Templates.pdf
- CPO Notice 2015 07 Contracts Outside US.pdf
- CPO Notice 2015 08 CPI.pdf
- CPO Notice 2016.02 PBC Utilization.pdf
- CPO Notice 2016.03 Small Business Set-Asides and Small Purchase Revision.pdf
- CPO Notice 2016.04 Small Business Contracts Act Agency Plans.pdf
- CPO Notice 2016.05 Illinois Correctional Industries - Approved Commodity List.pdf
- CPO Notice 2016.06 Continuing Disclosure for Multi-Year Contractors and Subcontractors.pdf
- CPO Notice 2017.01 Small Purchase Thresholds CPI Adjustment.pdf
- CPO Notice 2017.02 Small Business Contracts Act Agency Plan.pdf
- CPO Notice 2017.03 Small Purchase Threshold.pdf
- CPO Notice 2017.05 Continuing Disclosure for Multi-Year Contractors.pdf
- CPO Notice 2018.02 Small Business Contracting.pdf
- CPO Notice 2018.06 New Templates.pdf
- CPO Notice 2018.10 Small Purchase Designation and Process.pdf
- CPO Notice 2019.04 ICI-Approved Commodity List and Purchasing Procedures
- CPO Notice 2020.01 Not for Profit Agencies and Joint Purchasing.pdf
- CPO Notice 2020.05 Disaster Proclamation Procurements
- CPO Notice 2020.06 Procurement and Electronic Submission
- CPO Notice 2020.07 Extension of Exempt Procurements
- CPO Notice 2021.05 Contract Renewal.pdf
- CPO Notice 2022.05 COVID-19 Protection Clause