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BidBuy for State of IL Users

On-Demand System Videos for State Users

These videos are intended to provide general system training. Each procurement will require agencies to input information as appropriate for the agency’s procurement and applicable code/rule.

BidBuy Office Hours for State Users

CPO-GS will host open BidBuy Office Hours for State of IL employees to ask general BidBuy questions every Wednesday at 9a.  These sessions are intended to answer general system questions and is not intended for procurement specific questions.  Please address procurement specific questions with your APO and/or SPO.

Click here to join on Wednesdays at 9a!

Diversity and Inclusion in Procurement Training (2024)

Per CPO Notice 2025.04, the training window for applicable State of Illinois employees is from December 2, 2024 and must be completed by January 31, 2025.  

1. Click on

2. Click on “Login”.

a. Use your Agency Login ID & network password.

b. If you have problems logging in, please contact the DoIT Service Desk at 217-524-3648.

3. Complete each segment of learning listed on page 2 of the training.

4. Once you have completed the training, the final slide provides a button for you to certify that you have completed the training. You should print a copy of your Certificate for your records. This certificate will serve as proof of completion for evaluators and new BidBuy users. 

Please reference the CPO Notice for additional information.