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Resources for Governmental Units, including Illinois municipalities and qualified non-profit agencies

The Governmental Joint Purchasing Act (30 ILCS 525/) (GJPA) provides which entities may use State of Illinois joint purchase master contracts. Registration by governmental units or qualified not-for-profit agencies to participate in UPP and use joint purchase master contracts is not required; the entity only needs to meet the GJPA's definition of a "governmental unit" or a "qualified not-for-profit agency." A qualified not-for-profit agency, commonly referred to as a State Use vendor and defined in 30 ILCS 500/43-30, is a not-for-profit agency serving persons with significant disabilities.


UPP recently contracted for Narcan. This contract is available to local units of government and State agencies. Purchase procedures are available here:

20220105 Narcan Purchase Procedures.docx


The following two documents describe how to search for joint purchase master contracts that may be available for your use.

31 job aid contract lookup.pdf

Locating Contract Process Manual v.25.1.docx


The CPO-GS UPP team has compiled a list of Joint Purchase Master Contracts. The attached spreadsheet is for quick reference and convenience. For the most accurate and up to date information and permitted users on each contract, please be sure to check the contract posted in BidBuy.

JPMC Contracts List - through 1.31.2025